In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold
from sklearn import preprocessing
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
We use the same data resource as in L5, i.e., Daily Weather Observations of Sydney, New South Wales between Aug 2015 and Aug 2016.
We will handle the missing values, and category Sun_hours into three levels: High(>10), Med(>5 and <=10), and Low(<=5) as we did in L5.
Heading | Meaning | Units |
Day | Day of the week | first two letters |
Temps_min | Minimum temperature in the 24 hours to 9am. | degrees Celsius |
Temps_max | Maximum temperature in the 24 hours from 9am. | degrees Celsius |
Rain | Precipitation (rainfall) in the 24 hours to 9am. | millimetres |
Evap | Class A pan evaporation in the 24 hours to 9am | millimetres |
Sun_hours | Bright sunshine in the 24 hours to midnight | hours |
Max_wind_dir | Direction of strongest gust in the 24 hours to midnight | 16 compass points |
Max_wind_spd | Speed of strongest wind gust in the 24 hours to midnight | kilometres per hour |
Max_wind_time | Time of strongest wind gust | local time hh:mm |
Temp_at_9am | Temperature at 9 am | degrees Celsius |
RH_at_9am | Relative humidity at 9 am | percent |
CLD_at_9am | Fraction of sky obscured by cloud at 9 am | eighths |
Wind_dir_at_9am | Wind direction averaged over 10 minutes prior to 9 am | compass points |
Wind_spd_at_9am | Wind speed averaged over 10 minutes prior to 9 am | kilometres per hour |
MSLP_at_9am | Atmospheric pressure reduced to mean sea level at 9 am | hectopascals |
Temp_at_3pm | Temperature at 3 pm | degrees Celsius |
RH_at_3pm | Relative humidity at 3 pm | percent |
CLD_at_3pm | Fraction of sky obscured by cloud at 3 pm | eighths |
Wind_dir_at_3pm | Wind direction averaged over 10 minutes prior to 3 pm | compass points |
Wind_spd_at_3pm | Wind speed averaged over 10 minutes prior to 3 pm | kilometres per hour |
MSLP_at_3pm | Atmospheric pressure reduced to mean sea level at 3 pm | hectopascals |
In [2]:
data = pd.read_csv('./asset/Daily_Weather_Observations.csv', sep=',')
data_missing_sun_hours = data[pd.isnull(data['Sun_hours'])]
data = data[pd.notnull(data['Sun_hours'])]
labels = ['Low','Med','High']
data['Sun_level'] = pd.cut(data.Sun_hours, [-1,5,10,25], labels=labels)
data = data.dropna(subset = ['CLD_at_9am', 'Max_wind_dir', 'Max_wind_spd', 'Max_wind_dir'])
bitmap1 = data.Evap.notnull()
bitmap2 = bitmap1.shift(1)
bitmap2[0] = True
data = data[bitmap1 & bitmap2]
data['Temps_diff'] = data['Temps_max'] - data['Temps_min']
We use CLD_at_9am, CLD_at_3pm, RH_at_9am, RH_at_3pm, and Temps_diff as features.
In [3]:
feature_list = ['CLD_at_9am', 'CLD_at_3pm', 'RH_at_9am', 'RH_at_3pm', 'Temps_diff']
We generate X and y based on the selected features and labels
In [4]:
X = data[feature_list]
In [5]:
y = data.Sun_level
In [6]:
gnb = GaussianNB() # Note that there is no parameter allowed in GaussianNB(), y)
gnb.score(X, y)
You can get the probability estimates for the input vector X.
In [7]:
Before classification, we need to normalize the data first.
In [8]:
min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
X_scaled = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(X)
The following parameters affects the performance (accuracy) of the classifier
In [9]:
neigh = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3,weights='uniform',p=2), y)
neigh.score(X_scaled, y)
We use K-fold cross validation to get a reliable estimate of how well a model performs on unseen data (i.e., the generalization error). This helps to (1) determine which model works well, or (2) how to set the values for the hyper parameters for a model. We will see an example of the latter usage in finding the best $k$ for kNN classifiers.
In [10]:
n_folds = 10
kf = KFold(n=len(X), n_folds=n_folds, shuffle=True, random_state=42)
In [11]:
def test_Gaussian_NB(train_X, train_y, test_X, test_y, debug_flag = False):
gnb = GaussianNB(), train_y)
train_error = gnb.score(train_X, train_y)
test_error = gnb.score(test_X, test_y)
if debug_flag:
print('training error:\t{}'.format(train_error))
print('testing error:\t{}'.format(test_error))
return train_error, test_error
def test_KNN(train_X, train_y, test_X, test_y, n_neighbors=3, weights='uniform', p=2, debug_flag = False):
neigh = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, weights=weights, p=p), train_y)
train_error = neigh.score(train_X, train_y)
test_error = neigh.score(test_X, test_y)
if debug_flag:
print('training error:\t{}'.format(train_error))
print('testing error:\t{}'.format(test_error))
return train_error, test_error
In [12]:
train_error_total = 0
test_error_total = 0
for train, test in kf:
train_X = X.iloc[train]
test_X = X.iloc[test]
train_y = y.iloc[train]
test_y = y.iloc[test]
train_error, test_error = test_Gaussian_NB(train_X, train_y, test_X, test_y)
train_error_total += train_error
test_error_total += test_error
print('avg. training error (Gaussian NB):\t{}'.format(train_error_total/n_folds))
print('avg. testing error (Gaussian NB):\t{}'.format(test_error_total/n_folds))
In [13]:
def cv(n_neighbors=3,weights='uniform',p=2):
train_error_total = 0
test_error_total = 0
for train, test in kf:
train_X = X_scaled[train]
test_X = X_scaled[test]
train_y = y.iloc[train]
test_y = y.iloc[test]
train_error, test_error = test_KNN(train_X, train_y, test_X, test_y, n_neighbors, weights, p)
train_error_total += train_error
test_error_total += test_error
return train_error_total/n_folds, test_error_total/n_folds
# print('===================')
# print('avg. training error (kNN):\t{}'.format(train_error_total/n_folds))
# print('avg. testing error (kNN):\t{}'.format(test_error_total/n_folds))
# print()
In [14]:
def cv_plot(weights='uniform',p=2):
cv_res = []
for i in range(1,50):
train_error, test_error = cv(i, weights, p)
cv_res.append([i, train_error, test_error])
cv_res_arr = np.array(cv_res)
plt.title('Errors vs k for kNN classifiers')
plot_train, = plt.plot(cv_res_arr[:,0], cv_res_arr[:,1], label='training')
plot_test, = plt.plot(cv_res_arr[:,0], cv_res_arr[:,2], label='testing')
plt.legend(handles=[plot_train, plot_test])
plt.ylim((min(min(cv_res_arr[:,1]), min(cv_res_arr[:,2])) - 0.05, max(max(cv_res_arr[:,1]), max(cv_res_arr[:,2]))+0.05))
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According to the above results, we decide to use k=27 and uniform weight with p=1. Then we use these parameters to train a classifier over all the data (i.e., X_scaled)
In [19]:
neigh = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=27,weights='uniform',p=1), y)
neigh.score(X_scaled, y)
We also need to normalize data, but be aware that we need to make sure that testing data and training data are normalized in the same way (e.g., use min_max_scaler.transform()
In [20]:
data_missing_sun_hours['Temps_diff'] = data_missing_sun_hours['Temps_max'] - data_missing_sun_hours['Temps_min']
test_data = data_missing_sun_hours[feature_list]
test_data_scaled = min_max_scaler.transform(test_data)
Now let's predict the sun_level using both KNN classifier and Naive Bayes classifier.
In [21]:
data_missing_sun_hours['Sun_level_pred_knn'] = neigh.predict(test_data_scaled)
In [22]:
data_missing_sun_hours['Sun_level_pred_nb'] = gnb.predict(test_data)
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